Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Movie Review - Downloaded Stepchild Snowboards

Here is the first out of many reviews I'll be posting on this years snowboarding video releases...enjoy.

For this year Stepchild release a free downloadable team video, Downloaded, with the likes of JP Walker, Simon Chamberlain, Joe Sexon, Satian Solberg, Fredu Sirvio, Markku Koski, Scotty Vine, Chris Wimbles, Shin Campos and their AM’s (E-man and Risto).

The films concept is based on how the team fills in their snowboard travel year when they are not filming with the big film production companies. Some of the places that this film is shoot in are Japan, Whistler at COC, Big Bear, Mammoth Mtn and a couple locations in northern Europe.

Now for the review

1) Soundtrack

Overall the soundtrack to Downloaded was really well put together and had a couple of recognizable/mainstream songs. It consisted of a true mix of all types of music hip hop, rock, house/dance and mellow chill. Also Stepchild had the placement of the music bang on, hip hop with park/rail sessions, more up tempo beats with jump sessions and mellow music with flowing powder riding. One of my favourite parts musically was when they introduced JP to the team…they played MOP’s Ante Up from his video part back in True Life. Oh that brings back memories.

2) Cinematography

With regards to the cinematography of the film there wasn’t any thing that was ground breaking. I would say that it was standard. Not like MDP’s Picture This, that set the bar with regards to snowboard cinematography in my opinion. But I have to say that I really enjoyed watching the first scene with Chamberlain and Sexon at the rail in Japan…I thought the angle of the shot was cool because you could see almost all of the details of the tricks they were pulling off.

3) Segments / Riders

Since the film is so rail and park heavy the segments are pretty repetitive, just rail/park shots from a different local. But you should already know this since the team is more street rail oriented. You’re not going to see much big mountain riding from this team. The segments that stood out for me was the first scene with Chamberlain and Sexon, they were killing it with so many technical tricks that rail in Japan. Also I liked watching Fredu Sirvio's part, it was pretty smooth riding.

4) Extras

There are no extra or bonus segments in this video.

5) Overall

The Stepchild Downloaded video wasn’t bad for a free download. I was hope they would have a bit more shots with JP Walker, but I guess his year is filled with working with MDP. On the downside there wasn’t a lot of variety in the riding, about 90% rail park sessions. So overall I think it was a funny video to watch and it did get my amp up to hit the park this coming season, so I give this film a 7 / 10.

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