Monday, January 19, 2009

Stepchild JP Walker 2010

Hello all,

Sorry for the very long posting delay but I have been swapped with work after I returned from vacation.

This pasted weekend I was up in Whistler, as I usually am, and came across a Stepchild demo tent near the Roundhouse. Stepchild bought out there 2010 models for everyone to demo. Now what tipped me off that this was happening was that I saw a 2010 JP Walker 151 in the village.

So I headed up Whistler to see if I can get a closer look at the new models. Stepchild had the new Chamberlain, Power stick, Jib stick and the JP Walker. Now the shitty part of this all is that I forgot my camera that day and can’t show you any pics of the new boards.

Since I already have the first Chamberlain pro model and really wanted the Walker 151 this year I decided to demo the 2010 JP Walker board. The only size left of the demos was a 157….Yes I said 157. The sales rep told me that the JP model has a 147, 151, 154 and a new 157. The 2010 board seemed to be the same construction as the 2009 version and is also available with the RETT. The board was super poppy and about the same stiffness or just slightly softer than the Chamberlain. The 2010 JP Walker 157 also rode pretty smoothly and held its edge while ripping down the hill.

Wish I had more time on this board to give you more details but the rep said they will be back for Telus festival in early April so I really demo it properly for to post a full write up.

In the mean time here are some recent pics from the Stepchild blog…..JP’s 2010 board looks so good.

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